Monday Night Healing on Distance. / Light moments
17th of February. At 22:00 - 22:30. (Amsterdam time) .
Theme; SeKHeM and the activation of the own original blueprint - All Love -
During this remote healing, specific attention is paid to the energy transmitted by Patrick Zeigler all over the world and is called SeKHeM. He gives his All-love workshops all over the world and are great to experience. Right now, the focus is on inner enlightenment and inner peace that allows you to live more and more of your true "Self." "= All Love" The most ultimate is the illuminating state of your core. Into nothing and at the same time into everything. The frequencies in your brain and heart will be able to support you in tuning and receiving these waves of unconditional love energy. Experience how waves of energy can flow through you and start aligning all your chakras. The more you clean up in yourself, the easier the SHKM can move on.
Be aware and open and tune into SeHKeM and wonder how your body and light bodies can respond to unconditional love.
As a tribute to what Patrick Zeigler and his wife Sirley put in this world and also to make this even more known.
See also the link to youtube so this can be of help in experiencing the SeKHeM energy. When you put on the sound during the healing on distance it will increase the flow of Light.
Next Schedule: 02-03-2020.
At 22:00 - 22:30. (Amsterdam time)
Explanation for All-Love and Patrick Zeigler.
ALL-LOVE is a sacred process that honors and strengthens your connection to the Universal Divinity. It will enable you to discover and experience the deep truths of your spiritual path. It transfers your point of reference from the rational mind to your heart and helps you discover to fully live the present moment. This work was developed by PATRICK ZEIGLER, renowned curator of international recognition, after living a deep experience in the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, connecting with an ancestral energy, which was known in Egypt as S-KH-M (Seichim or Sekhem), which means "Divine Power above any power," "Cosmic Energy," "Source Energy." In ALL-LOVE, students are given a dynamic space of deep experiences of their inner reality, the opening of the Heart, the recognition of their feelings and sensations, where we support initiations through the internal process of the people themselves, promoting, through of flowing meditations, to which Patrick Zeigler calls spontaneous initiations. ALL-LOVE is the best way to 'heal' with the heart. Where there is love, everything is possible. Without love we feel our separation from the Source. Our spiritual heart is the core of our being and is the place where the soul connects to our physical and emotional bodies. For about 40 years, ALL-LOVE has been experimented and spread by thousands of people from diverse cultures around the world in an experience of reconnecting with the Source, with All That Is, with its purest Essence.
Last update 20-05-2019.
During the last workshop given by Patrick Zeigler on 3 and 4 May 2019, I felt in my heart to give something back to Patrick to give more recognition to the work he does. Because I want to grow in the light as pure as possible, this is also a step towards the path of Inner Enlightenment. An unconditional urge for purity, gentleness, kindness, love etc.
Through a lot of experiences I feel that I want to do something back for the whole humanity and Mother Earth. Working together with the Angels, Ascended Masters and the 12 Rays from the sacred hart with unconditional love is for me the incentive to make the distance healing nights possible for everyone.
Usually the information will be given within the hour of the healing on distance and shared on this page. This is for the most actual energy to be possible and to let be during the distance healing.
I will attune myself to the dimensions of the Angels, Ascended Masters and the planetary and cosmic rays and invite them with unconditional love to help all people who want to receive healing on distance and guide all people in their process. All can only be done together with your own Higher Self. With that energy that is supporting everyone to the highest good of all and with full conjunction and will of the higher self and the personal development, with respect from the heart.
How this is all done:
“ Willingly I and all that I AM, receive a healing on distance from the Angels, Ascended Masters and the rays tonight during this healing night from 21:30 until 22:00 at a manner that it only serve my highest good. Thank you”
Do not expect something and possibly miracles will be your share. It is not only about the most wondrous experiences you get but also about the results.
I cannot push anything from what may happen and everything will be in full cooperation with your higher self. Your own sensitivity is likely needed to experience what is happening. The more sensitive the easier it is to experience with consciousness. There is no problem if the sensitivity is not so developed, for me it is sure that there will happen something. Mostly you will notice later on the (little or big) differences in your life, problems etc. you ask your healing for on distance.
I invite everyone who want to participate with their talents by attuning yourself on the higher worlds and dimensions of the Angels/Ascended Masters and the Rays to share your unconditional love with everybody.
There is no need to tell that you want to participate, just attune yourself on the right time gmt +1 Amsterdam, Netherlands. You can sent an email for sharing your experiences with me/ us. I will ask if your experience may be placed on the website. So everybody can see/feel what is possible during the healing nights.
Healing Theme:
For healers who want to do more for Mother Earth, Please sent love and healing to the Core Kristal of Mother Earth together with the Angels/Ascended Masters and the Planetary and Cosmic and Universal Rays. Connect your heart and all your chakra’s with mother Earth. Especially The Core of Mother Earth and Gaia needs all love right now. When your divine love is connected attune yourself to the new pillars of light assisting for the new earth
Little explanation how the Healing on Distance works.
There will be no use of symbols, even I learned a lot from the use of symbols during my learning period with Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem etc. The Healings that happen are in conjunction with the Ascended Masters, Angels en Higher Self of the people who are participating. However, I sometimes use Angel and Ascended Master and Egyptian Cartouche Cards for focus and the theme of that moment. I fully attune myself on the consciousness which is needed on that moment. By doing this there is a very high Light and Love frequency which come through from the other planes of existence. Until now there is no energy the same on the healing on distance nights, because it depends on what is needed by the participants that night.
17th of February. At 22:00 - 22:30. (Amsterdam time) .
Theme; SeKHeM and the activation of the own original blueprint - All Love -
During this remote healing, specific attention is paid to the energy transmitted by Patrick Zeigler all over the world and is called SeKHeM. He gives his All-love workshops all over the world and are great to experience. Right now, the focus is on inner enlightenment and inner peace that allows you to live more and more of your true "Self." "= All Love" The most ultimate is the illuminating state of your core. Into nothing and at the same time into everything. The frequencies in your brain and heart will be able to support you in tuning and receiving these waves of unconditional love energy. Experience how waves of energy can flow through you and start aligning all your chakras. The more you clean up in yourself, the easier the SHKM can move on.
Be aware and open and tune into SeHKeM and wonder how your body and light bodies can respond to unconditional love.
As a tribute to what Patrick Zeigler and his wife Sirley put in this world and also to make this even more known.
See also the link to youtube so this can be of help in experiencing the SeKHeM energy. When you put on the sound during the healing on distance it will increase the flow of Light.
Next Schedule: 02-03-2020.
At 22:00 - 22:30. (Amsterdam time)
Explanation for All-Love and Patrick Zeigler.
ALL-LOVE is a sacred process that honors and strengthens your connection to the Universal Divinity. It will enable you to discover and experience the deep truths of your spiritual path. It transfers your point of reference from the rational mind to your heart and helps you discover to fully live the present moment. This work was developed by PATRICK ZEIGLER, renowned curator of international recognition, after living a deep experience in the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, connecting with an ancestral energy, which was known in Egypt as S-KH-M (Seichim or Sekhem), which means "Divine Power above any power," "Cosmic Energy," "Source Energy." In ALL-LOVE, students are given a dynamic space of deep experiences of their inner reality, the opening of the Heart, the recognition of their feelings and sensations, where we support initiations through the internal process of the people themselves, promoting, through of flowing meditations, to which Patrick Zeigler calls spontaneous initiations. ALL-LOVE is the best way to 'heal' with the heart. Where there is love, everything is possible. Without love we feel our separation from the Source. Our spiritual heart is the core of our being and is the place where the soul connects to our physical and emotional bodies. For about 40 years, ALL-LOVE has been experimented and spread by thousands of people from diverse cultures around the world in an experience of reconnecting with the Source, with All That Is, with its purest Essence.
Last update 20-05-2019.
During the last workshop given by Patrick Zeigler on 3 and 4 May 2019, I felt in my heart to give something back to Patrick to give more recognition to the work he does. Because I want to grow in the light as pure as possible, this is also a step towards the path of Inner Enlightenment. An unconditional urge for purity, gentleness, kindness, love etc.
Through a lot of experiences I feel that I want to do something back for the whole humanity and Mother Earth. Working together with the Angels, Ascended Masters and the 12 Rays from the sacred hart with unconditional love is for me the incentive to make the distance healing nights possible for everyone.
Usually the information will be given within the hour of the healing on distance and shared on this page. This is for the most actual energy to be possible and to let be during the distance healing.
I will attune myself to the dimensions of the Angels, Ascended Masters and the planetary and cosmic rays and invite them with unconditional love to help all people who want to receive healing on distance and guide all people in their process. All can only be done together with your own Higher Self. With that energy that is supporting everyone to the highest good of all and with full conjunction and will of the higher self and the personal development, with respect from the heart.
How this is all done:
- There are no costs involved.
- 1x in the two or three weeks on a Monday evening from 21:30 until 22:00 unless otherwise noted on this page.
- Everyone can participate, you do not need any initiation or attunement to receive a healing and/or activation in consciousness.
- Everyone can attune themselves with their own Higher Self and/or Angel/Guide/Ascended Master.
- Invite Arch Angels Michael for total protection with a Golden Light sphere around you and Angel Sandalphon and High Priest Melchizedek for grounding all the energies into yourself and into mother Earth and to guide you during the healing and/or activation.
- Attune yourself a little bit earlier than 21:30 before the healing starts.
“ Willingly I and all that I AM, receive a healing on distance from the Angels, Ascended Masters and the rays tonight during this healing night from 21:30 until 22:00 at a manner that it only serve my highest good. Thank you”
Do not expect something and possibly miracles will be your share. It is not only about the most wondrous experiences you get but also about the results.
I cannot push anything from what may happen and everything will be in full cooperation with your higher self. Your own sensitivity is likely needed to experience what is happening. The more sensitive the easier it is to experience with consciousness. There is no problem if the sensitivity is not so developed, for me it is sure that there will happen something. Mostly you will notice later on the (little or big) differences in your life, problems etc. you ask your healing for on distance.
I invite everyone who want to participate with their talents by attuning yourself on the higher worlds and dimensions of the Angels/Ascended Masters and the Rays to share your unconditional love with everybody.
There is no need to tell that you want to participate, just attune yourself on the right time gmt +1 Amsterdam, Netherlands. You can sent an email for sharing your experiences with me/ us. I will ask if your experience may be placed on the website. So everybody can see/feel what is possible during the healing nights.
- I ask you only to participate in a relaxed state and posture, so you can experience more easily what is happening and it will have more effect.
- The request is only for yourself, be conscious about your karmic responsibility.
- The healing is only available from 22:00 until 22:30.
- Attune yourself at least 5 minutes before 22:00, see above how to do that.
- I do not react on requests about individual healing on distance on other times than on this page.
Healing Theme:
For healers who want to do more for Mother Earth, Please sent love and healing to the Core Kristal of Mother Earth together with the Angels/Ascended Masters and the Planetary and Cosmic and Universal Rays. Connect your heart and all your chakra’s with mother Earth. Especially The Core of Mother Earth and Gaia needs all love right now. When your divine love is connected attune yourself to the new pillars of light assisting for the new earth
Little explanation how the Healing on Distance works.
There will be no use of symbols, even I learned a lot from the use of symbols during my learning period with Tera-Mai Reiki and Seichem etc. The Healings that happen are in conjunction with the Ascended Masters, Angels en Higher Self of the people who are participating. However, I sometimes use Angel and Ascended Master and Egyptian Cartouche Cards for focus and the theme of that moment. I fully attune myself on the consciousness which is needed on that moment. By doing this there is a very high Light and Love frequency which come through from the other planes of existence. Until now there is no energy the same on the healing on distance nights, because it depends on what is needed by the participants that night.